Tiah-Faith Pin-Chia

Tiah-Faith Pin-Chia
Gotcha Day..April 26, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

First week home!

We finally made it home, praise GOD!!!!..It has been a great week, the boys loooove their new sister and couldn"t make over her any more than they do!
We did take our girl to the doctor and as we knew she was dehydrated, constapated, and malnurished..At the begining of the week we still couldnt get her to like the bottle, and she would only drink 2 oz......a few days later she went to 3 oz......and now the week is over and she is drinking 4 oz every 2 hours of breastmilk(donated by a friend of a few friends)..and eating baby food..She has made so many improvement in the 2 weeks we have had her.Her milestones are more of a 4 or 5month old than a 9 month old, but we know the lord is healing her, and she will be where she needs to be in no time!!We have more looove for this little girl than you know!...We can't thank the lord enough for this crazy Journey we have been on.His strength keeps us going..Our forever faith in him, in the good times and the hard is well worth it all!!..We wouldn"t change any of these events for anything, as it has made us stronger as husband and wife,as a family, and has made our Faith in the lord deeper than we knew it could be!


  1. Her night terrors are still their, but getting better as the days go by..We said we were not letting this child sleep in our bed(ya right lol)..But untill she is better and knows she feels safe and she is with us:)....she is calming easier as the days go by, some times a our voice isnt enough and she will scream till she opens her eyes and realizes where she is and that she is ok!.

  2. I am sooo excited for you :) Welcome home with your sweetie :) My turn is coming. We leave June 4th!

